Tennessee Department of Correction

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State Department of Corrections

The Tennessee Department of Correction has a responsibility to work with the law enforcement community to protect and serve the public by operating safe and secure prisons and providing effective community supervision. We take our mission seriously and every employee will work extremely hard to ensure we never compromise public safety.

We also realize we have an opportunity to positively impact an offender’s chances for success. Data and research indicates 96% of offenders will return home one day. Because of that, we have an inherent responsibility to provide offenders with an opportunity to grow and change. These opportunities are enhanced through the efforts of family and community partnerships but most of all by the offenders taking responsibility for their own actions and making a commitment to change and never return to prison.

We will continue to do our part and ask that you assist in doing your part. Our mission is to operate safe and secure prisons and provide effective community supervision. Our actions will reflect our commitment to this mission.


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