Rhode Island Department of Human Services

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State Social Service Agency

As an agency committed to access and achievement, the vision for the Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) is that all Rhode Islanders have the opportunity to thrive at home, work and in the community. 

DHS works hand-in-hand with community partners and resources throughout our great State to deliver critical benefits, supports and services to more than 300,000 families, adults, children, older adults, individuals with disabilities and veterans every year. We are part of the solution to end poverty and food insecurity and we make a lasting, positive impact on the State’s health and future.

More specifically, DHS strives to guarantee:

  • Families are strong, productive, healthy, and independent.
  • Adults are healthy and reach their maximum potential.
  • Children are safe, healthy, ready to learn and reach their full potential.
  • Child Care providers deliver high quality education services.
  • Older Adults and Seniors and individuals with disabilities receive all necessary services to enhance their quality of life.
  • Veterans are cared for and honored.


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