New Jersey Department of Human Services

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State Social Service Agency

The New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) is the state’s largest agency. It serves about 2.1 million New Jerseyans, or about one of every five state residents and one out of every three children. We serve older New Jerseyans, individuals and families with low incomes; people with developmental disabilities, or late-onset disabilities; people who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind; parents needing child care services, child support and/or healthcare for their children; people who are dealing with addiction and mental health issues; and families facing catastrophic medical expenses for their children. Through our eight divisions, we provide numerous programs and services designed to give eligible individuals and families the help they need for economic and health challenges. They include health insurance through NJ FamilyCare or Medicaid, food assistance through NJ SNAP, independent living supports, personal care services, and much more.


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