Indiana Family and Social Services Administration

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State Social Service Agency

All Hoosiers live in fully engaged communities and reach their greatest emotional, mental and physical well-being

FSSA Mission

To compassionately serve our diverse community of Hoosiers by dismantling long-standing, persistent inequity through deliberate human services system improvement

FSSA Values

  • Excellence: To execute operational programming that is consistent and reliable, with ongoing outcomes evaluation. This includes a commitment to identify gaps and change systems that do not promote equity.  In addition, excellence requires a commitment to continuous education and community engagement.
  • Integrity: To establish the highest level of trust both internally and externally through honest, transparent and accountable interactions and communications.
  • Innovation: To encourage bold approaches to problem solving, allowing for failure, embracing change and inspiring creative solutions.
  • Compassion: To be present in the moment, exemplifying kindness and empathy, with recognition of adverse traumatic experiences in system design and personal interactions.
  • Resilience: To withstand and recalibrate when faced with adversity.
  • Purpose: To take action driven by mission, goals and outcomes.
  • Inclusion: To create a safe environment where honest dialogue leads to mutual understanding and recognition of our biases. To use feedback to drive improvements in our internal activities, hiring and promotion processes, external expectations and modeling of behavior. Diverse cultures, perspectives and ideas are the basis for agency growth.
  • Dignity: To respect the inherent value and worth of each person through all forms of interactions, including policy and funding.


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