Georgia Department of Corrections

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State Department of Corrections

Agency Overview

An organizational chart and generalized overview of the Georgia Department of Corrections including the various positions within the Executive Branch of our Department, and what the individual responsibilities of those positions include.

Corrections Costs

Costs for various criminal justice sanctions vary greatly, depending mainly upon whether the offender is housed in a facility or lives at home, the degree of hardened construction of the facility (security level), and upon the ratio of offenders to staff, among other factors.


Find more information about our  Administration & Finance | Executive Operations | Facilities | Health Services | and Inmate Services Divisions.

Employee Services

Find links to new hiring packages and your initial paperwork for beginning work at GDC. Click on the appropriate link, enter the information and then print and bring the completed package to your local Human Resource office.

Fact Sheets

Get interesting facts and stats on our Agency and our programs.


What is Nearby?


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