Missouri Department of Social Services

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State Social Service Agency

The Missouri Department of Social Services is responsible for coordinating programs to provide:

  • Public assistance to help Missourians with food stamps, health care, child care, child support, blind services and other basic needs
  • Health care coverage for eligible Missourians
  • Child welfare services to help ensure the safety, permanency and well-being of Missouri children
  • Specialized assistance to troubled youth

While many programs give needed financial assistance and services, other units work toward reducing financial dependency of the citizens on government assistance.

The Department of Social Services also has teams dedicated to:

  • Protecting the integrity of public assistance programs by combating fraud, waste and abuse
  • Administering and managing Medicaid audit and compliance initiatives
  • Offering support to law enforcement agencies to help protect Missouri children

The Department of Social Services is administrated by a director who is appointed by the Governor and approved by the state Senate. This department director, in turn, appoints the division directors

There are over 6,500 budgeted employees in the department, and the Human Resource Center (HRC) guides the overall human resources management system for DSS team members


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